Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Joshua HATES his bath time. I have tried about everything I can think of to make the time more relaxing for him. However, I am taking the last desperate attempt... I am buying a new baby bathtub. The one we have is all plastic and has a really annoying leg seperater (if that is what it is called) and I hate it because the only time josh is calm is when he is covered up to his neck in warm water and with this tub he has to have that stupid thing in the middle of his back to have the water to his neck which  akes him upset too! UGH.. I love water, so does landon and I would love to take Joshua swimming one day.. but if he doesnt like water Landon and I are in trouble because we are Water Babies!!! My favorite though is putting Josh in Towels.. I have about three hooded ones that I love... One is a dragon, a shark and a frog. Here are some pictures of my little man in his shark towel...