Tuesday, March 30, 2010

2 Months and Counting

Josh is now two months old! Well as of 3/25/2010 he is. It is amazing how just in two months how far they come and grow and the new things they learn to do.

Josh is smiling...cooing...giggling (sometimes I have only heard it once) ... and is awake much more everyday. We are currently almost sleeping through the night, we have 4-6 hour streaks every night. I am pretty lucky!!

We are getting family pictures done next weekend seems the only family pictures we have with all of us I am half asleep because I just delievered him!! And with Landon's work schedule its nearly impossible to get anything scheduled.

Landon got a promotion!! YAY he is now a Night Supervisor, means pay raise but he still has to work nights which is the worst part but it means he will one day get bumped up to Day Supervisor.

We are also looking at a few places to rent FINALLY!!! All of which we can have LJ in!!!

Easter is coming and the easter bunny has put together Josh's Easter basket.. It's ready to go! :) I'll take pictures of it Sunday morning with him in his easter suit!!!

Mother's day is coming up too... its crazy how fast this year is going by already!!!

Uh Oh little man is getting upset...gotta run!!