Friday, December 04, 2009

'Tis the Season

Friday...the 4th of December ALREADY!!! Goodness time has flown by. My bladder infection turned into a kidney infection so I am on antibotics until Wednesday then will get checked next Friday to make sure that the infection is gone, if it isnt then I will have to stay on antibotics until it clears up.
I am getting lots of christmas shopping done!! I have most everyone taken care of except my husband, mother in law, mother, and stepdad and two more nieces and nephews. I think I am doing pretty good and have taken care of most everyone else for less than what we spent last year! Which means christmas savings YAY!
We are 31 weeks and 2 days pregnant right now! Which means we have only 6 weeks till Josh is considered Full term and 9 weeks until our due date. I had my baby shower this last weekend and it was fun. I have TONS of outfits, and now we just need the little stuff like bottles, bath stuff, saftey stuff, and I just pick up a few of those items everytime I go to the store. I have one last ultrasound on Monday to see how big Joshua is and I sure cannot wait to see him again! My mom, sister and best friend will all be there which will make it all sorts of special because my sister has never been to an ultrasound!
Life is good what can I say! I love the holidays, although I wish we would get some snow!!