Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Inducement Jan. 27th

Inducement. Yes people are going to FREAK OUT ... My EDD is Feb. 3rd, while I would love to sit here and wait for Josh to make his apperance on his own I have some circumstances that some other mothers to be may not have. My husband cannot come home until A) I am in the hospital and STAYING which then he would have to wait to leave location which can take anywhere from immidetly to an hour and thats IF I CAN GET A HOLD OF HIM!!! or with the situation now B) Being induced, he gets to come HOME sleep in his own bed TWO nights before and we get to spend our anniversary together, and my strongest support will be with me through out it all.

No I don;t have a medical reason and I understand that the chance of C-Section goes up considerably, I have no doubt in my body to do what it needs to do. My doctor and I have gone over the risks I have done the research and my husband and I and my doctor have decided that it is in our best interest to induce.
If I have to have a c-section yes I will be upset, yes i will cry, yes it will suck major monkey balls but if thats what it takes to get my baby boy here healthy so be it!!

I understand women's bodies have been giving birth for all of time and that we can do it naturally, but really what was the death rate in newborns and mom's back in the day before all of the medical advancements? I personally am not willing to risk my life or my baby's life in order to have a "Natural" delievery.

This is NOT a bash on anyone who is for the all natural method or no epidural but for me... I am a 100% PAIN MEDICATION, HOSPITAL, type of a person. It's what works for me and I am SICK and Tierd of having to explain myself to people about my choices... My son is healthy, I am healthy, we have no reason to wait more than passed next Wednesday and we have no reason to take him next wednesday, however, he will be making his apperance and be in our arms by Thursday evening, Friday morning! I personally cannot wait!!! As I know my family can't either....

with that said... I LOVE MY BABY BOY, I LOVE MY HUSBAND and we are putting our full trust into the doctor that we chose for our care!