Friday, August 28, 2009

School Days!!

I have a confession to make, okay I guess it's not much of a confession, but I FREAKING LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE School. I am more overjoyed at the fact that today I got my financial aid back!!! YAY! That means both my scholarships, and my Loan came through, which means, I have 3200.00 to go to school on and only need 1100.00. WOOT! Which even better means Landon and I will be out of debt, except for Medical Bills, and the Jeep the end of the month. Which will save us four hundred dollars a month which we can in turn, put to the jeep or put away to save for other things that may come up, and possibly just pay that extra amount on Medical bills until Josh comes in the winter.

I am also excited because I already am starting to learn new things in my classes and I have only been to 3 of the 4. The fourth being Tuesday and it's psychology!! I cannot wait. Life is wonderful and I am still trying to figure out this whole blogging thing so hopefully it will come more often as I get more used to it!