Thursday, January 14, 2010


So we are 37 weeks 1 day today. That means 20 days to go until February 3rd..
I went to the doctor on Tuesday and recieved the following news,
I was a fingertip dialated and 40% effaced.
So progress but not much....
We took a few seconds and decided that we will be setting an Inducement Date
at my appointment this coming Tuesday.
The Doctor won't take Josh any earlier than 39 weeks which is the 27th of Jan.
So as of right now, If I have my way Josh will be here no later than the 28th...

The good news is Landon has had it approved that as soon as he gets the call to come home
he gets two weeks paid off.. of course that is his vacation and Sick Time...but that is 2 weeks guarenteed that we will be a family.
I also will be at the end of that two weeks looking at what school, health and Josh's appointments
I will be going to Pinedale for a few weeks staying at my mom's so that I can look for a rental up there and have some help with Josh and Landon can be close as well.

So it's now a waiting game.. my favorite message
Dear Joshua,
You are now considered "Full Term" You are 37 weeks 1 day old
Mommy and Daddy are ready to meet you!!!
You are welcome to make your apperance anytime!!